Monday 24 December 2018

With all the efforts and dedication of team under guidance and observation of director sir, Aryakul College of Education( Journalism and Mass Communication) will be awarded as "Best Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication of North India 2018" Today on 21st Dec 2018. Big Congratulation to team Journalism and Team Aryakul for this achievement....

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best pgdm college in lucknow

top ten mba college in lucknow up

Aryakul College of Education, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication has been awarded as Best Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication in Uttar Pradesh 2018. The award was presented by Prof. Rajeev Kumar, Advisor(Planning and Academics) AICTE, Dr. Biswajit Saha, Directors( Skill Education and Training) CBSE, Prof. Hariharan, Advisor( Approval) AICTE...
Many renowned dignitaries appraised the research and innovation summit....
Heartiest congratulations to Team Aryakul..

bjmc education institute in lucknow

Heartiest congratulations to the man full of energy,who know how the channelize the young potential for the betterment of the Society and the people living in it..... We feel proud to share that Mr. Sashakt Singh, Managing Director Aryakul Group of Colleges has been recognized as the Visionary Leader of the Year 2018 and has been felicitated by Dr. Ramesh Unnikrishnan, Director AICTE, Ms. Shazia Ilmi, Vice President, BJP Delhi State and other dignitaries.....
May you add these proud moment in the Dairy of Aryakul...
Congratulations Sir.... We proud of you.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Best Pharmacy College In North India 2018

 Best Pharmacy College In North India 2018

Its time to acknowledge and convey my sincere thanks to all of my Faculty Members and Admin Staff members whom unconditional commitment to deliver quality education has showing results and recognized by different institutes and authorities of the society. “Best Pharmacy College in North India” award is just a glimpse of that recognition. I would like to name Mr Aditya Singh, Ms Ankita Agarwal, Prof Subhash Chandra Tieari, Mr Bal Krishna Singh, Mr Abdul Rub Khan, Dr Navneet Batra, Ms Swati Singh, Dr Sanjay Yadav, Ms Sanchalika, Mr Ashutosh Yadav, Dr Rohit Mohan, Ms Shivbhadra Singh, Mr Pranav Pandey, Mr Pradeep Kumar, Mr Dhanesh Pratap Singh, Ms Akansha and so on. Many faculty members have joined us for a year and they are also contributing the very best for which the institution is very thankful. A professional approach with the greed to achieve something different has develop with the inclusion of Prof (Dr) Ravikant and that is commendable and I convey my sincere thanks for his contribution too. Our seniors Prof (Dr) Durgesh Mani Tripathi, Prof Johari, Prof (Dr) VD Tripathi, Prof (Dr) Pankaj Tripathi are strong support and Mobiliser for the achievement, thank you all. 
Institution can’t be imagine and success may not be achieved without the Herculean efforts of Mr Sudesh Kumar Tiwari, Ms Neha Verma, Mr Harsh Narain, Mr Rohit vvv Mr Narendra Pratap Singh, Mr Vinay Srivastava, Mr Kaushal Yadav, Mr Sarabjeet, Mr Anudeep Singh, Suresh and Mr Anwar Khan. 
Time to thanks those who contributed in making of Aryakul, Prof (Dr) Fakhrul Hasan Rizvi, Prof (Dr) Elias Rizvi, Prof PN Singh, Dr Stuti Verma, Ms Pooja Singh, Ms Mandavi Singh, Ms Kirti Diwaker, Ms Manisha, Dr Pancham Kandiyal, Dr Atul Srivastava and many more. 
Miles to go from here and everybody associated with us and their contribution is important. Hope I’ll get chance to convey my gratitude towards many more very soon.

 Best Pharmacy College In North India 2018

Friday 20 July 2018

Best Institute for Digital Media or digital Marketing in Up,

Best college for mass communication & Journalism in Uttar Pradesh, 

Best college for mass communication & Journalism in Lucknow ,

Best college for mass communication & Journalism in UP,

Top 5 Colleges in Up for Mass Communication & journalism In North India 

Top 10 Colleges in Up for Mass Communication in Up ,

College/University for Film making in Lucknow,

College/University for Editing & Broadcasting in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh,

College/University for Photography in Lucknow U,ttar Pradesh ,

College/University   for Cinematography in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh,

College/University   for Radio jockey, R.J   in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh,

What is career After Graduation in Mass Communication & Journalism ,

What is career After post-graduation in Mass Communication & Journalism ,

College for web series Training in Lucknow ,

Institute for web Journalism & Broadcasting ,

Best Institute for Digital Media or digital Marketing in Up,

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Top 10 Colleges in Up for Mass Communication in Up

Uttar Pradesh ,despite being the most populous state of the country has been largely untouched by the global economic metamorphosis hitherto. Owing to the richest pool of natural, historical, cultural and human resources Uttar Pradesh certainly contains a potential promise. What it needs is the catalyst that can set the environment for tendering and harvesting these resources by providing appropriate professional educational opportunities keeping in pace with the new technological development, economic growth and placement opportunities reaping the harvest of booming Indian economy.

What is career After post-graduation in Mass Communication & Journalism

At Aryakul Group of Colleges, we invite youth to the college who will happily co-operate in    carryingon the rich traditions of college. Here you will find support in development of the body,    mindanspiritand the nurture of those graces which make a person truly educated. High scholastic      achievement is deserved and usually secured by our students but the development of a divinity like character is the first and the essential aim.


M. Pharm Direct Admission Open....

M. Pharm Direct Admission Open....

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & PCI, Affiliated to AKTU,  Lucknow

Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing as well as dispensing drugs and medicines. It is a health profession that links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs..

The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as compounding and dispensing medications, and it also includes more modern services related to health care, including clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information. Pharmacists, therefore, are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize use of medication for the benefit of the patients.


Best college for mass communication & Journalism in Uttar Pradesh,

Best college for mass communication & Journalism in Uttar Pradesh, 

Friday 29 June 2018

Farewell 2k18

All the very best baccho for the new ventures of your life... God bless.

बड़े मंगल पर हुआ भंडारे का भव्य आयोजन : आर्यकुल ग्रुप ऑफ़ कॉलेजेज

बड़े मंगल पर हुआ भंडारे का भव्य आयोजन : आर्यकुल ग्रुप ऑफ़ कॉलेज

ज्येष्ठ मास के बड़ा मंगल की अपनी एक विशेष महत्ता है. मई में पड़ने वाले सभी मंगलवार को यहां ‘बड़े मंगल’ के तौर पर मनाया जाता है. प्रत्येक वर्ष की तरह इस बार भी “अर्याकुल ग्रुप ऑफ़ कॉलेजेज “ में  बड़े मंगल पर भव्य भंडारा का   आयोजन किया गया . जिसमे कॉलेज के *चेयर मैन “श्री के जी सिंह”  व कॉलेज के *डायरेक्टर  ”श्री सशक्त सिंह” ने अपनी आस्था दिखाई और कन्याओं को भोग लगाकर इस भंडारे का आरंभ किया.
इस भंडारे में कॉलेज का स्टाफ व बच्चों ने बढ़-चढ़ कर सहयोग किया हजारो की तादाद में आये भक्तों को प्रसाद वितरित किया यह आयोजन गौरी व बिजनौर रोड अर्याकुल मोड़, तिराहे पर हुआ

1 मई से शुरू होने वाले बड़ा मंगल पर्व इस बार इसलिए खास है, क्योंकि इस बार 9 बड़े मंगल पड़ रहे हैं जिसे अद्भुत संयोग माना जा रहा है
ज्योतिषियों के मुताबिक यह संयोग दो जेठ लेकर आया है और इससे हनुमान भक्तों पर विशेष कृपा होगी. इस पर्व को लेकर विशेष तैयारी की जा रही है और बड़े मंगल का पर्व 26 जून तक जारी रहेगा. इस दौरान शहर से लेकर गांवों तक लोग स्टाल लगाकर जगह-जगह भंडारा करते हैं.
ज्येष्ठ माह के हर मंगलवार का अलौकिक महत्व है. बड़ा मंगल को लोग ‘कामना पूरी’ के नाम से मानते हैं. बड़ा मंगल को बजरंग बली की सच्चे मन से पूजा करने वालों को बल, बुद्धि, विद्या एवं महालक्ष्मी की प्राप्ति होती है. साथ ही, श्रद्धा भाव से किए गए भक्तों की सेवाओं से भगवान राम व उनके अनन्य भक्त मारुति नंदन प्रसन्न होते हैं.

   आखिर क्यों मनाया जाता है बड़ा मंगल ?

ज्योतिषियों के मुताबिक कि बड़ा मंगल के दिन गुड़, गेंहू, मीठे पूड़ी का प्रसाद चढ़ानाचाहिए. हनुमान जी इस दिन दान का विशेष फल देते हैं. कहते है भगवान शंकर और श्रीराम ने हनुमान को वरदान दिया कि ज्येष्ठ माह के सभी मंगलवार को उनकी विशेष पूजा होगी. इस माह हनुमान का दर्जा राम से भी बड़ा होगा. इसी मान्यता के चलते ज्येष्ठ माह के सभी मंगलवार को बड़ा मंगल मानते हुए श्रद्धालु विशेष पूजा अर्चना करते हैं.
भंडारे का आयोजन सफलता पूर्वक रहा जिसके लिए अर्याकुल कॉलेज के डायरेक्टर बच्चों व स्टाफ को धन्यवाद दिया इस मौके पर बी. टी. सी. व पत्रकारिता विभाग के बच्चों ने अपनी अहम भूमिका निभाई और  श्रद्धालुओं को प्रसाद वितरण कराया. इस मौके पर अर्याकुल के रजिस्ट्रार, एच. आर. ऑफ़ कॉलेज , एच. ओ. डी. ऑफ ऑल डिपार्टमेंट , फैकल्टी मेम्बेर्स व स्टाफ  एवं समस्त विद्यार्थी  सम्मिलित रहे .

स्वस्थ्य रहने के लिए योगाभ्यास जरूरीः सशक्त सिंह

   आर्यकुल कालेज में अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस मनाया गया

 लखनऊ।अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस के दिन आर्यकुल ग्रुप आॅफ कालेज में बच्चों और शिक्षकों ने योगाभ्यास किया। इस अवसर पर प्राणायाम, आसन, मेडिटेशन, रिलेक्सेशन आदि का अभ्यास कराया गया। प्रशिक्षित योगा मास्टर सौरभ उपाध्याय व बीटीसी के प्राचार्य सुभाष तिवारी द्वारा सूक्ष्म प्राणायाम ,ग्रीवा संचालन, सूर्य नमस्कार, मत्स्य आसन, नौकासन आदि प्रकार के आसानों का अभ्यास कराया गया। योगाभ्यास समाप्त होने के बात कालेज के प्रबंध निदेशक सशक्त सिंह ने कहा कि आज अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पूरे विश्व में मनाया जा रहा है हमें इसको अपने जीवन में अपनी कार्यशैली में प्रतिदिन लाना चाहिए जिससे कि हम बिना दवाइयों के स्वस्थ्य जीवन जी सके। आज के दिन हमें सब को संकल्प लेना चाहिए कि हम प्रतिदिन सुबह उठ कर योगाभ्यास जरूर करेंगे जो कि हमें स्वास्थ्य लाभ देगा। पुराने समय में जब अस्पताल और डाक्टरों की कमी थी जब योगा के द्वारा ही लोग ठीक किये जाते थे योगा हमारी संस्कृति की पहचान हैं। हमें इसको अपने जीवन में निरन्तर करना चाहिए। योगा के आधुनिक पिता कहे जाने वाले महिर्षि पतांजलि भी कहते थे कि योग मन को स्थिर करने की प्रक्रिया है। जब मन स्थिर हो जाता है, हम अपनी आवश्यक प्रकृति में स्थापित हो जाते हैं, जो कि असीम चेतना है। इसके साथ ही भगवत गीता में भी कहा गया है कि योग स्वयं की स्वयं के जरिए से स्वयं के मिलन की यात्रा है। इस तरह हम सभी को योग के महत्व को समझना चाहिए क्योंकि ये आदि काल से हमारे जीवन में समाया हुआ है। योग एक बहुत ही उपयोगी अभ्यास है जिसे करना बहुत आसान है और यह कुछ गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं, जो आज के जीवन शैली में सामान्य हैं, से भी छुटकारा पाने में मदद करता है। इसके साथ ही कालेज के रजिस्ट्रार सुदेश तिवारी ने बच्चों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि योगा तनाव कम करने में मदद करता है। तनाव का होना इन दिनों एक आम बात है जिससे शरीर और मन पर विनाशकारी प्रभाव पड़ता है। तनाव के कारण लोगों को सोते समय दर्द, गर्दन का दर्द, पीठ दर्द, सिरदर्द, तेजी से दिल का धड़कना, हथेलियों में पसीने आना, असंतोष, क्रोध, अनिद्रा और ध्यान केंद्रित करने में असमर्थता जैसी गंभीर समस्याएं पैदा होती हैं। योगा के नियमित अभ्यास मानसिक स्पष्टता और शांति बनाता है जिससे मन को आराम मिलता है। योगाभ्यास में बीटीसी,बीजेएमसी, बीफार्मा,एमफमार्मा, आदि के साथ समस्त शिक्षकों व स्टाफ ने हिस्सा लिया।

वेब मीडिया और पत्रकारिता का नया दौर

वेब मीडिया और पत्रकारिता का नया दौर

पत्रकारिता पहले जहां अखबारों, पुस्तकों में हुआ करती थी, वहीं इंटरनेट के बढ़ते प्रचलन के बीच वेब पत्रकारिता का जन्म हुआ। इंटरनेट एवं बढ़ते समाचार पोर्टलों से वेब पत्रकारिता के लिए योग्य पत्रकारों की मांग बनी रहती है।

4 साप्ताह से चल रही ‘वेब पत्रकरिता एवं समाचार लेखन’  की वर्कशॉप का समापन करते हुए आर्यकुल कॉलेज ऑफ एजुकेशन के डायरेक्टर श्री सशक्त सिंह ने कहा की वेब पत्रकारिता में बहुत अधिक संभावनाएं हैं। इस क्षेत्र में करियर बनाने के लिए खबरों को समझकर उन्हें प्रस्तुत करने की कला, तकनीकी ज्ञान, भाषा पर अच्छी पकड़ होना आवश्यक है।”

इन्ही तत्वों को महत्वता देते हुए आर्यकुल ग्रुप ऑफ कॉलेजेस के पत्रकारिता एवं जनसंचार विभाग ने वेब पत्रकरिता एवं समाचारइस अवसर आर्यकुल ग्रुप ऑफ कॉलेजेस के रजिस्टार श्री सुदेश तिवारी,  शिक्षा विभाग की विभागाध्यक्षा  सुश्री अंकिता अग्रवाल,  पत्रकारिता विभाग के प्रमुख डॉ. अजय शुक्ला, एच.आर प्रमुख सुश्री नेहा वर्मा, कक्षाध्यापक श्री सिद्धार्थ राजेंद्र के साथ कंप्यूटर तकनीकी विभाग के रोबिन सिंह उपस्थित रहे।
 लेखन जैसे विषय पर 4 सप्ताह की वर्कशॉप का आयोजन किया।
इस वर्कशॉप का प्रारंभ 29 मई  से किया गया था वर्कशॉप में बच्चों ने पत्रकारिता लेखन के साथ-साथ  बदलती पत्रकारिता के स्वरुप और भविष्य में इसमें बढ़ते करियर के बारे में  भी जानकारी हासिल की।
इसके साथ ही टेक्निकल लेखन, फोटो एवं विडियो एडिटिंग, सोशल मीडिया  न्यूज़ शेयरिंग, डिजिटल मीडिया एथिक्स का भी ज्ञान प्राप्त किया जिससे ऐसे भ्रामक समाचार से लोगो को गुमराह होने से बचाया जा सके जो वास्तविक नही होते है।
वेब पत्रकारिता एक ऐसा माध्यम है जो अपने अंदर प्रिंट, टीवी और रेडियो को समेटे है। मीडिया का लोकतंत्रीकरण करने में वेब पत्रकारिता बड़ी भूमिका निभा रहा है। संचार माध्यम के रूप में इस प्लेटफार्म ने हर आदमी की आवाज बुलंद कर हजारों-करोड़ो लोगो तक पहुंचाया है।
वर्कशॉप प्रोग्राम के कोऑर्डिनेटर श्री रंजीत कुमार ने कहा कि इंटरनेट का पाठक अधिकतर जल्दी में होता है और उसे बांधे रखने के लिए आपकी सामग्री पठनीय, रूचिकर व आकर्षक हो यह बहुत आवश्यक है। यदि हम ऑनलाइन समाचार-पत्र की बात करें तो भाषा सरल, छोटे वाक्य व पैराग्राफ भी अधिक लंबे नहीं होने चाहिएं।”

Tuesday 22 May 2018


Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow
m.pharmaPharmacy is the science and technique of preparing as well as dispensing drugs and medicines. It is a health profession that links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs..
The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as compounding and dispensing medications, and it also includes more modern services related to health care, including clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information. Pharmacists, therefore, are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize use of medication for the benefit of the patients.
Specialization of M.Pharm Programme :-Seats
Pharmaceutical Chemistry18
Total duration of course shall be 2 years, each year comprising 2 semesters. The course focuses on specialization in the field of pharmacy. The curricula and syllabi for the course will be prescribed from time to time by Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow.
Eligibility: – The applicant for M. Pharm. Program me must fulfill the following criteria:
  • For General/OBC candidate’s 50 % marks in Graduation in B. Pharm
  • For SC/ST candidates 45 % marks in Graduation in B. Pharm
50 seats
A student must put in 75% of the total attendance in the absence of which he/she will not be eligible to write the exam of the subject as the case may be. 

Bachelor of Arts (B.A-3 Year Program)


Bachelor of Arts (B.A-3 Year Program)
Approved and Affiliated to Lucknow University, Lucknow
Bachelor of Arts, Programme is suitable for students who have just passed 10+2 and looking forward to a career in the modern business word. A Bachelor of Arts degree provides a rare chance for you to explore your passions, interests and ambitions. Both rigorous and rewarding, the Bachelor of Arts is well renowned as the go-to program for those wanting to challenge assumptions, discover new cultures, or scratch beneath the surface of our own society to encounter fresh ideas. Students who complete this degree will be well suited to meet the challenges of the modern 21st-century workplace, where specialization, creativity, logic and critical argument come to the fore. Offering a myriad of choices across more than 45 subject areas, very few ‘Arts degrees’ are quite the same. Students are encouraged to tailor their studies to suit their interests, with the chance to incorporate up to two majors in their degree. With hundreds of course combinations on offer there is no single formula for the degree: you can make it whatever you want it to be. Whether you wish to learn a new language, study the great works of literature or uncover archaeological remains, our courses will stretch and challenge you to think differently.By undertaking our Bachelor of Arts degree, you’ll be guided by the expertise of an internationally respected group of educators. With arts and humanities at the University of Sydney consistently recognised as among the top 25 universities globally in academic rankings, our Bachelor of Arts program is both highly regarded and well supported by research leaders.
A student must put in 75% of the total attendance for each subject in the absence of which he will not be eligible to write the exams for the subject.

Bachelor of Commerce ( Year Program)


Bachelor of Commerce ( Year Program)
Approved and Affiliated to Lucknow University, Lucknow
Bachelor of Commerce, Programme is suitable for students who have just passed 10+2 and looking forward to a career in the modern business word. Syllabus has been designed to give exposure to basics of different functional areas. After successful completion candidate may join higher academic course or go to industry and business straight away. It is a career-oriented degree program which provides a foundation in all aspects of commerce and business trade. It helps prepare graduates for a wide range of careers in the business world. This will be backed up by professionally qualified and experienced faculty using tools and techniques compared to the best in the education industry with well equipped library and computer lab.
Salient features of the program include:
1.Regular Guest lectures by renowned speakers from across the globe
2.Case Based Teaching Pedagogy.
3.Regular local Educational Excursions & Industrial visits.
4.International linkages for the faculty/student exchange programs and research and development
5.Regular Personality Development Programs and Workshops by lead corporate trainers.
6.Disaster Management etc.
7.Unique Corporate Resource Centre to facilitate decent placements.
8.Industry Interface with reputed organizations to keep abreast with the changing skill requirement in the corporate sector.
A student must put in 75% of the total attendance for each subject in the absence of which he will not be eligible to write the exams for the subject.


(Approved by All India Council for Technical Education)
The PGDM course aims at providing inputs to the students relevant to the business, industry and trade so that they can function in different organizations and face the challenges arising there from. The course not only aims at providing knowledge and skills in different areas of management, but also provides inputs necessary for the overall development of the personality of the students. The structure of the Course is designed in a way that students have to study the core courses from different functional areas of management that are made compulsory. Later on, specializations are offered in functional areas where the students can opt for two specializations out of the five offered: Marketing, Finance, IT, HR and International Business and one Open Specialization, Right from the beginning of the course, the focus is on providing relevant inputs through case discussion/ analysis, simulation games, note plays etc. keeping in mind the current business scenario. Broadly, the course is of two years divided into four semesters, each semester having eight compulsory papers of 40 sessions each of one-hour duration. There is a system of dual specialization and an Open Specialization. The students will have to opt for two functional areas for their specialization, having four papers (two in third semesters and two in the fourth semester) from Specialization-
Three papers (two in third semesters and one in fourth semesters) from Specialization
Students will also have to choose any one elective from the given four subjects as an open Specialization in fourth semester.
Summer Training for 6/8 weeks is compulsory for every student pursuing the course, which they have to undergo between second and third semester. Comprehensive viva and Research project are part of the course.
INTAKE : 120 seats
A student must put in 75% of the total attendance for each subject in the absence of which he will not be eligible to write the exams for the subject.
Students are continuously evaluated through a combination of assignment, tutorials, group discussions, presentation, and examinations. There are three sessional exams conducted every semester to test both the theoretical and practical knowledge of student in the respective subject along with the semester end examination.




Approved and Affiliated to Lucknow University, Lucknow

This is a three year full time degree program. BBA program is so designed as to make thorough professionals of all the students. The major areas of business administration are covered. The program will provide systematic understanding of management related problems and conceptual tools for analyzing and evaluating management issues. It also provides a sound knowledge and understanding of the discipline of management with an emphasis on the historical, political, cultural and institutional forces shaping modern business and endows with the skill and competencies necessary for the development of creative and decision-making capabilities.
Eligibility Criteria
Programme :Eligibility Criteria
BBA :Minimum 50% or equivalent in 10+2 (Gen/OBC/ Min). Relaxation of 5% for SC/ST candidates

INTAKE : 60 seats
A student must put in 75% of the total attendance for each subject in the absence of which he will not be eligible to write the exams for the subject.
Student is continuously evaluated through a combination of assignment, tutorials, group discussions, presentation, and examinations. There are three sessional exams conducted every semester to test both the theoretical and practical knowledge of student in the respective subject along with the Semester end examination.
1.Tailor made course suitable for all sector.
2.Case Studies at all technical & managerial level from top industry executives
3.Frequent interaction with industry & research team
4.Top level senior & vibrant faculty.
5.Opportunity to develop in corporate environment for 2 year.
6.Electives for specialization along with opportunity to develop top managerial skills



(Approved by All AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow)
“Aryakul College of Pharmacy And Research” has been established under the aegis of MVESS for B.Pharm Degree.
This is a 4 year integrated programme spread over 8 semesters and leading to a degree in B.Pharm. The programme is tailor made to train the students to play an important role in community pharmacy and assist the pharmacy industry at various levels. The course will be predominantly based on practice and interaction with a strong focus on the healthcare system. This will enable the students to practice pharmacy profession in a strong, skillful and determined manner.
  • Top class faculty caring for student’s feedback mechanism
  • Electives in tune with specializations at UG level
  • Regular interaction with community pharmacy and industrial pharmacy experts
  • Opportunity to use and witness PG and research infrastructure at UG level
  • Case studies based on community and industrial pharmacy
  • Placement focus in hospitals, industry and retail drug chains and other opportunities
The course of study for B.Pharm shall extend over a period of four years consisting of two semesters for every year.
INTAKE : 120 seats
A student must put in 75% of the total attendance in the absence of which he/she will not be eligible to write the exam of the subject as the case may be.
Students are continuously evaluated through a combination of assignments, tutorials, group discussions, presentations, practical and examinations. There are three Sessional Exams conducted every semester to test both the theoretical and practical knowledge of students in the respective subject along with the semester end examination.

Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methodology
At ARYAKUL, we believe that each child is blessed with a unique talent. Our mission lies in recognizing & enhancing that very special blessing. The ARYAKUL learning experience helps every child to succeed. Our teaching methodology ensures that students are being exposed to a holistic education experience in an active and dynamic learning environment, giving them opportunity to identify and realize their potential, and to achieve excellence.
Students differ in their individual learning styles, and each student possesses a unique combination of multiple intelligences. Our integrated teaching methodology nurtures a stimulating learning environment to encourage students to learn at higher levels. Instructional strategies are student – centered and include active learning, inquiry and experience – based learning, cooperative and participative learning activities. We focus on integration of knowledge, development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. Such a learning environment encourages the Students to enjoy lessons, try out new things and to think creatively and independently.
To keep pace with the growing technological advancements, use of teaching aids viz.
OHP & LCD Projectors, PowerPoint presentations, etc. is in the regular practice. A Student earning a degree from ARYAKULhas an all-round development with a capacity to communicate and think laterally, and the ability to interconnect different situations, which we believe is of utmost importance in today’s world if one is to become a world citizen.

Monday 21 May 2018

Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methodology
At ARYAKUL, we believe that each child is blessed with a unique talent. Our mission lies in recognizing & enhancing that very special blessing. The ARYAKUL learning experience helps every child to succeed. Our teaching methodology ensures that students are being exposed to a holistic education experience in an active and dynamic learning environment, giving them opportunity to identify and realize their potential, and to achieve excellence.
Students differ in their individual learning styles, and each student possesses a unique combination of multiple intelligences. Our integrated teaching methodology nurtures a stimulating learning environment to encourage students to learn at higher levels. Instructional strategies are student – centered and include active learning, inquiry and experience – based learning, cooperative and participative learning activities. We focus on integration of knowledge, development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. Such a learning environment encourages the Students to enjoy lessons, try out new things and to think creatively and independently.
To keep pace with the growing technological advancements, use of teaching aids viz.
OHP & LCD Projectors, PowerPoint presentations, etc. is in the regular practice. A Student earning a degree from ARYAKULhas an all-round development with a capacity to communicate and think laterally, and the ability to interconnect different situations, which we believe is of utmost importance in today’s world if one is to become a world citizen.

Orientaion and Pedagogy

Orientaion and Pedagogy

Orientation and Pedagogy:-
Orientation :-
Student orientation or new student orientation is a period of time at the beginning of the academic year at the institution during which a variety of events are held to orient and welcome new students. Aryakul conducts its orientation program in a fresh way. Orientation day program is started with the ceremonial address by the Director, leads to the introduction of the members/ faculties and the other members of Aryakul Group of College. Students then give their introduction with their hobbies. After the series of rituals, our guest of honor addresses and shares their experiences. The last session is devoted to experience sharing session by corporate executes as well as entrepreneurs, preferably from the alumni pool.
Pedagogy :-
At Aryakul, we believe that each child is blessed with a unique talent. Our mission lies in recognizing and enhancing that very special blessing. The Aryakul learning experience helps every student to succeed. In addition, students are encouraged to undertake multiple projects to hone their analytical skills. Our Methodology ensures that students are being exposed to a holistic education experience in an active and dynamic learning environment, giving them opportunity to identify and realize their potential and to achieve excellence.

Vishwakarma Jayanti

Vishwakarma Jayanti is a day of celebration for Vishwakarma, a Hindu god, the divine architect. On this day, every year, Aryakul Group of...